Charlie the Beagle/Basset

Charlie the Beagle/Basset
Old Dog, Old Soul

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Some more opinions on one of my favorite subjects:

Design Boom or Bust: What People Are Talking About Now

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And if you are still interested:

Check out Metropolis Magazine

Antwerp, Belgium. I can't remember what street we were on, only that it was a chilly summer day-yes, chilly. When the clouds hide the sun here, it can make you wish that maybe you hadn't worn flipflops and that you'd remembered that Antwerp was at latitude 51 and New York is only about 40. Ah, but what can soothe a pair of chilly feet and bluish lips better than these?

They were delicious or "lekker" as the locals say, and washed down with some great Belgian beer, well I was sated, even if the beer was starting to take its toll on my waistline!

After lunch we continued on a walk around the city including the Meir where Tracy and I got a "helping hand." I can't help the pun ... sorry!

This was followed by Rubens House ... I love the clouds here

we then followed up with Belgian waffles

Friday, March 27, 2009


It is interesting how one class of 14 can have more energy than a class of 32!!! But i suppose that is simply 7th grade ... I ought to know by now. Ha!

In other news, was watching Oprah the other day and Dr. Oz was on about life extension. The calorie restrictive diet is intriguing ... except I don't think I don't think I have the will power.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Thanks to FriendsWeLove for another great post on their blog.

Stoked Mentoring Video from stokedmentoring on Vimeo.
This is cool:

Monday, March 16, 2009

Last night my boyfriend and I went to Motorino for dinner in Williamsburg. It was crowded and I had heard all this hype about their pizza. I had ordered it once before, but it was a delivery and I figured that the consistency of their pizza had something to do with the fact that it was in a box, which was in a bag - you get the idea- and it was, well, chewy. And while I am not one for a crust that is like a brick, if I wanted a chew toy I would borrow from a dog. (See below mentioned beagle.)

We are seated, right by the front door, which was fine. The table of 3 next to us, was taking full advantage of the still BYOB policy while the restaurant waits for their license. They had 4 bottles on their table and also, I later realized, a spit cup for tasting. Now, last time I checked, we were in a recession. Why would you waste a bottle of wine for tasting with 3 people? Now, the only one I saw spitting was the guy - the ladies seemed to be doing quite fine on the drinking, and talking about how white wine goes fine with cheese, not just red. And yay for them that they were having such a faaaabulous time. Boo for me that I had to listen to it.

Back to the pizza: Good, but not great. All the flavors were great-the sauce, the cheese, but again, CHEWY. I felt it needed just two more minutes in the oven, or maybe to be a touch thinner. One thing that shines is the roasted beet salad with ricotta salata. Amazing.

Monday. Long day. Didn't get much sleep last night, and as I lay there - putting in earplugs that did no good- I got frustrated! I came home today to an unhappy beagle. He was with a family for about 7 years until something happened and he couldn't be kept anymore. SO, then he was fostered, then adopted, then returned. He was returned because he has crazy separation anxiety. And when I came home to crazy, I started researching and realized the poor guy was anxious with his former adoptive parents and now foster me, because after 49 dog years his life just went POOF! Did I mention he was a SNORING beagle? Oh, if you are interested in this guy (as pictured snoozing) go to